Spreading Kindness
“I had to educate myself on what it means to be a caregiver. Why it can be depressing, frustrating, and tiring. I discovered other caregivers were having these feelings too. When a friend reached out and asked how I was managing while I was at a low point, I felt seen. This small kindness lifted me up.” – Sara Shearkhani
Caregivers have told us that just a small gesture of kindness goes a long way. A simple ‘how are you?’ can mean so much to someone who is having a bad day. To amplify this message, the OCO launched its first Kindness Campaign on International Kindness Day – a day where we are all encouraged to show kindness to one another.
The idea of the Kindness Campaign was brought to us by a caregiver partner, Sara Shearkhani. Sara shared her idea that aimed to make caregivers visible and inspire our communities to reach out to a caregiver and deliver this simple act of kindness.
The campaign was a resounding success. Thank you to those who shared our message on social media including: The Ontario Hospital Association, Alzheimer’s Society of Ontario, and The Ontario Long Term Care Association.