Spreading Kindness

Spreading Kindness

 “I had to educate myself on what it means to be a caregiver. Why it can be depressing, frustrating, and tiring. I discovered other caregivers were having these feelings too. When a friend reached out and asked how I was managing while I was at a low point, I felt seen. This small kindness lifted me up.” – Sara Shearkhani

Caregivers have told us that just a small gesture of kindness goes a long way. A simple ‘how are you?’ can mean so much to someone who is having a bad day. To amplify this message, the OCO launched its first Kindness Campaign on International Kindness Day – a day where we are all encouraged to show kindness to one another.

The idea of the Kindness Campaign was brought to us by a caregiver partner, Sara Shearkhani. Sara shared her idea that aimed to make caregivers visible and inspire our communities to reach out to a caregiver and deliver this simple act of kindness.

The campaign was a resounding success. Thank you to those who shared our message on social media including: The Ontario Hospital Association, Alzheimer’s Society of Ontario, and The Ontario Long Term Care Association.  

Caregivers Care, We Can Too
Caregivers Care, We Can Too
Caregivers Care, We Can Too
Caregivers Care, We Can Too
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