
You can make a difference for caregivers!

Caregivers’ unique stories and experiences are the foundation of OCO’s work. Through our volunteer program, we actively engage with diverse caregivers to address and support the unique challenges of caregivers across Ontario. As a volunteer, you can make a significate difference in the caregiving community.

Current volunteer opportunities:

  • Peer Mentor – We are looking for caregivers to support the 1:1 Peer Support program. As an experienced caregiver, you know how important it is to have a sounding board; a sympathetic ear to listen to your thoughts and someone who understands what it is like to be a caregiver. To learn more about this opportunity, please click here.
  • Young Caregivers Connect (YCC) Ambassador – We are looking for young caregivers (aged 15 to 25) to build awareness and engage young caregivers in an online community on the Young Caregivers Connect website as they navigate their caregiving journey. To learn more about this opportunity, please click here.

“I can’t believe I found such a fantastic volunteer opportunity during the pandemic.  Being a caregiver support gave me a positive outlook in my journey and a chance to help others, I am so lucky.”

Peer Mentor

Volunteers must be or have been unpaid caregivers to family members, friends and/or neighbours, regardless of their health condition, age or where they live.

Not sure or can’t find your ideal role?

We offer a range of volunteer opportunities on an ongoing and intermittent basis based on the lifecycle of programs and caregiver needs. We encourage you to complete a volunteer application, and our team will be in touch if that ideal role appears. This may include the following opportunities:

  • Advisory or Working Group – Participate in a group to provide insights based on your lived experience as a caregiver or work with the OCO to co-create or co-design programs and resources.
  • Focus Groups or Consultations – Participate in one-time focus groups or consultations to provide feedback on caregiver focused ideas or resources.
  • Public Speaking – Participate in a community event, panel discussion or webinar, or present a conference to share your caregiving experience, challenges, and solutions to help others along their caregiving journey.

We also offer other meaningful ways to get involved with the OCO:

  • Caregiver Voices – Join our online Caregiver Advisory Panel to provide ongoing input and feedback on caregiver-focused ideas and tools. You may also be surveyed on different aspects of your caregiving experience from time to time.
  • Share Your Story – Share your caregiving story (in print, media, or video) or recommendations on how to improve the caregiving experience. Stories may be featured in our online publication.
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