Experience-Based Co-Design Resources

Experience-Based Co-Design (EBCD) is a specific approach that enables staff and caregivers, patients (or other service users) to co-design services and/or care pathways, together in partnership1. Key features of the EBCD approach include:  

  • Structured process to gather experiences from multiple viewpoints (caregivers, patients, providers)  
  • Key touch points identified (positive and negative) and documented – usually in short videos or stories
  • Videos (stories) used to bring people together to explore findings and work in small groups to identify and implement change 

(The) 101 of engagement & co-design –A step by step guide PowerPoint slide decks designed to help you learn how to practically apply the theory and frameworks of EBCD in your own projects.  

101 of engagement & co-design – Volume One covers:  

  1. What is Experience-Based Co-Design (EBCD)?  
  2. Why use co-design methodology?  
  3. Preparing your organization for co-design  

101 of engagement & co-design – Volume Two covers:  

  1. How to co-design (using the 6 steps of EBCD)  

 The following checklists support the Set Up and Discovery phases of EBCD.

The following toolkit provides an overview of Experience-Based Co-Design and contains several tips sheets from the Lessons in Changing CARE reports.

  • Co-Design Key Learnings Toolkit

Lessons from Changing Care

The Lessons from Changing CARE reports series (2018 to 2020) features practical tips for you to use and adapt to help you co-design solutions in your own setting. Informed directly by the needs & experiences of Ontario’s caregivers & providers, Changing CARE aimed to develop local supports, programs, & resources through working with four key partnerships in Ontario: Sinai Health, Cornwall Community Hospital, Huron Perth Healthcare Alliance, and St. Joseph’s Health Care London.  

  • Co-Design Events report focuses on what the projects learned from initial co-design events. 
  • Sustainability and Spread report reflects on what the projects learned about sustainability and spread of change initiatives during the project and beyond. 

The above resources were created or adapted from materials originally created by The Change Foundation and/or one of its Changing CARE teams. 

Additional Reading

Patient and family-centred care  The Point of Care Foundation   

This is a step-by-step guide to help improve processes of care, as well as staff and patient interactions, using a technique called Patient and Family-Centred Care (PFCC). PFCC is a simple, step-by-step method for understanding what a care experience is like, what needs to change, and which small improvements can make a big difference to patients, families and staff alike. It is the application of co-design methodology specifically focused on improving a care experience (i.e., discharge). If you are interested in quality improvement initiatives centered on improving the experience of family caregivers, this toolkit can be very helpful. 

  1. https://www.pointofcarefoundation.org.uk/ 
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