Resources for Indigenous caregivers

Resources for Indigenous caregivers

Indigenous caregivers have unique needs that are not always met by the health care system as a whole, or which are impacted by health disparities related to the legacy of intergenerational trauma and centuries of colonization. Indigenous communities also face unique health challenges, such as disproportionately high rates of suicide, diabetes, mental health & substance use challenges.

The OCO recognizes the need for First Nations, Inuit and Métis caregivers to access respectfully and culturally appropriate care for themselves and their care recipient.

The OCO has compiled these resources that may help caregivers from Indigenous communities.

Know of a resource that’s missing from this page? A new program or service that might be useful for Indigenous caregivers? Contact us at to let us know!


Caregiving for Elders in First Nations Communities: Social System Perspective on Barriers and Challenges

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