The Ontario Caregiver Organization, The Change Foundation, AMS Healthcare, and the Canadian Foundation for Healthcare Improvement are pleased to announce a one-day conference focused on providing patients and caregivers an opportunity to define their expectations for quality compassionate care in a digital healthcare system.
The conference will be held March 24, 2020 (9:00am-4:00pm) at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre, Toronto, ON.
Rapid advances in technology will change healthcare over the next decade. How and where patients are cared for will be transformed, and the expectation patients have of the healthcare system and their physicians will continue to change. Healthcare jurisdictions across the country will be challenged to deliver digitally integrated healthcare and fully accessible as well as interoperable healthcare information.
Patients & Caregivers Take on Technology has been co-designed with a steering committee comprised of patients, family, caregivers and partner organizations and will be a Patients Included™ event. The conference will bring together approximately 100 patients, family and caregivers from different regions and populations (and with varied health care experiences) from across Ontario and Canada. Conference attendees will discuss and identify key recommendations and critical success factors for ensuring the meaningful utilization of digital health services & technology to support seamless and high-quality patient, family, and caregiver partnered care.