My Health Care Journey Binder

My Health Care Journey Binder

Looking for a place to keep all your information together?

The My Healthcare Journey Binder  you keep all the caregiving information you need in one place. The binder can also help improve communication among care team members, including healthcare providers and other family members. Use it with your care recipient to communicate and manage healthcare information, appointments and to document questions.

The binder is organized into sections and can be downloaded separately and arranged in whatever way is most useful for you. Check out the Care Templates for additional ways you can coordinate help.

Get a binder, print the materials and let the members of your care team (e.g., healthcare providers, family members, friends etc.) know where it is and how they can use it as well.

The My Healthcare Journey Binder was originally created by The Change Foundation and the Connecting the Dots for Caregivers project team in Huron Perth. The Ontario Caregiver Organization worked with caregivers of the Mental Health Working Group to update this second edition to ensure its continued value as a support to all types of caregivers.

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