5 Secrets to a Happy Life!

Open hands towards the sky, backlit by a sunset

5 Secrets to a Happy Life!

Life is mostly comprised of tiny imperceptible moments that create massive change in our life. Timing, circumstances, and occasional grand moments can all be the start for change. Whether we’re experiencing really small things on a daily basis or huge shifts at the moment, it’s all part of divine growth and development. Life in this pandemic has motivated many people to re-examine their lives. It is important to rediscover happiness in difficult times and find lasting joy and peace.

Top 5 Mental Turning Points

  1. What you focus on…EXPANDs

The more you focus on the abundance of negatives in your life, even if they are small, they will mentally consume your focus and detriment everything else in life. When we encounter negative things in life, we work to solve them if we can, or we cope with them as best as possible without inflaming negative emotions. The next time you have a problem, ask yourself three questions:

  • Is this problem more of a hassle and a concern for you rather than a true catastrophe?
  • Are you likely to solve your problem and find a way to be happy in the end?
  • Are you a strong person who can handle any situation that comes your way?

2. Focus on what you can CONTROL

No matter what the circumstances are, we always have control over ourselves through our responses and actions. Learn what problems or situations distress you and learn to overcome them by developing coping mechanisms. Find ways to adapt to any difficult situations so that you can thrive again. i.e. If you do not have control over a problem, let it go.

3. Don’t blame OTHERS

Take responsibility for the choices you make in response to any situation. If you are at fault for something, take responsibility, apologize, forgive yourself and move on. If you are not at fault, then be accountable for how you react to the problem or situation. You always have the option to choose your reaction.

4. Love and accept yourself…without CONDITIONS

Put value and effort into loving yourself. Understand that you are worthy and should be placed at a higher level than anything else—the steps to make a positive change and create the happy life you deserve.

5. The purpose of life…is to ENJOY your life

Many of us assume that we need to make drastic changes to our habits, routines and/or bank balances to be happy and enjoy life. Fortunately, that is not the case. Often, we already have everything we need to enjoy life—it is just a question of prioritizing what is important. Maybe life is uncertain for you now, but you are capable of taking back control of your life.

Source: The above content was adapted, in part, from an Ontario Caregiver Organization webinar presented by Dr. Natasha Sharma is a leading authority on emotional fitness, an entrepreneur, and one of Canada’s top TV/media personalities. As an internationally recognized professional on the psychology of relationships, parenting, and emotions, Natasha has helped thousands of people lead better lives through cultivating emotional fitness. Natasha is also the creator of the best-selling book The Kindness Journal, founder of The 8-Hour Therapist, founder and owner of NKS Therapy – a private psychology and therapy practice in Toronto. She enjoys helping people connect to their emotions and achieve optimal emotional health.

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